WNT-5a,Mouse产品介绍: WNT-5a,Mouse 100µg 生长分化因子


wnt信号转导通路因其启动蛋白为Wnt蛋白而得名,在胚胎发育、细胞增殖及分化等方面发挥重要作用,其异常活化与人类多种肿瘤的发生密切相关。研究显 示,Wnt信号至少存在经典和非经典两条不同的信号通路,而Wnt-5a属于非经典Wnt信号通路,既往研究Ror2具有Wnt受体结构域样结构。有研究 认为Wnt-5a经由Ror2介导的 信号通路发挥作用。
Mouse WNT-5a蛋白含有356个氨基酸残基。


WNT-5a,Mouse 产品特性:
» WNT-5a,Mouse活性在共转Frizzled- 4 和 LRP- 5基因的HEK293 细胞TCF报告鉴定,纯度高
» 生物活性在共转Frizzled- 4 和 LRP- 5基因的HEK293 细胞鉴定
» WNT-5a,Mouse产品经过SDS-PAGE 和HPLC双层鉴定纯度大于85%


WNT-5a belongs to the class of WNT proteins that activate the “noncanonical” pathway. The predicted size of mouse WNT-5a is a monomeric protein containing 356 amino acid residues. Due to glycosylation, it migrates at an apparent molecular weight of ~45 kDa by SDS-PAGE analysis under non-reducing conditions. StemRD’s product is expressed from a mouse cell line, and purified with a proprietary process that is distinct from the published method.

Purity: Greater than 85% as determined by SDS-PAGE and HPLC analysis
Biological Activity: The activity was determined by using a TCF reporter gene assay in 293 cells co-transfected with Frizzled-4 and LRP-5. WNT-5a activates (instead of inhibits) the TCF reporter gene in this assay (Milkels AJ, et al., PLoS Biol, 4:e115, 2006). This activation mode is utilized because activation assays are generally more reliable than inhibition assays, as they are less prone to any non-specific inhibitory contamination in the preparation.

StemRD W3A-M-100 小鼠WNT-3a 蛋白干细胞生长分化因子系列产品订购信息
StemRD W3A-M-005  WNT-3a,Mouse  5ug  优惠价格请
StemRD W3A-M-025  WNT-3a,Mouse  25ug  优惠价格请
StemRD W3A-M-100  WNT-3a,Mouse  100ug  优惠价格请
StemRD W5A-M-005  WNT-5a,Mouse  5ug  优惠价格请
StemRD W5A-M-025  WNT-5a,Mouse  25ug  优惠价格请
StemRD W3A-M-100  WNT-5a,Mouse  100ug  优惠价格请
For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Humans.

WNT-5a,Mouse产品介绍: WNT-5a,Mouse 25µg 生长分化因子


wnt信号转导通路因其启动蛋白为Wnt蛋白而得名,在胚胎发育、细胞增殖及分化等方面发挥重要作用,其异常活化与人类多种肿瘤的发生密切相关。研究显 示,Wnt信号至少存在经典和非经典两条不同的信号通路,而Wnt-5a属于非经典Wnt信号通路,既往研究Ror2具有Wnt受体结构域样结构。有研究 认为Wnt-5a经由Ror2介导的 信号通路发挥作用。
Mouse WNT-5a蛋白含有356个氨基酸残基。


WNT-5a,Mouse 产品特性:
» WNT-5a,Mouse活性在共转Frizzled- 4 和 LRP- 5基因的HEK293 细胞TCF报告鉴定,纯度高
» 生物活性在共转Frizzled- 4 和 LRP- 5基因的HEK293 细胞鉴定
» WNT-5a,Mouse产品经过SDS-PAGE 和HPLC双层鉴定纯度大于85%


WNT-5a belongs to the class of WNT proteins that activate the “noncanonical” pathway. The predicted size of mouse WNT-5a is a monomeric protein containing 356 amino acid residues. Due to glycosylation, it migrates at an apparent molecular weight of ~45 kDa by SDS-PAGE analysis under non-reducing conditions. StemRD’s product is expressed from a mouse cell line, and purified with a proprietary process that is distinct from the published method.


Purity: Greater than 85% as determined by SDS-PAGE and HPLC analysis
Biological Activity: The activity was determined by using a TCF reporter gene assay in 293 cells co-transfected with Frizzled-4 and LRP-5. WNT-5a activates (instead of inhibits) the TCF reporter gene in this assay (Milkels AJ, et al., PLoS Biol, 4:e115, 2006). This activation mode is utilized because activation assays are generally more reliable than inhibition assays, as they are less prone to any non-specific inhibitory contamination in the preparation.

StemRD W3A-M-100 小鼠WNT-3a 蛋白干细胞生长分化因子系列产品订购信息
StemRD W3A-M-005  WNT-3a,Mouse  5ug  优惠价格请
StemRD W3A-M-025  WNT-3a,Mouse  25ug  优惠价格请
StemRD W3A-M-100  WNT-3a,Mouse  100ug  优惠价格请
StemRD W5A-M-005  WNT-5a,Mouse  5ug  优惠价格请
StemRD W5A-M-025  WNT-5a,Mouse  25ug  优惠价格请
StemRD W3A-M-100  WNT-5a,Mouse  100ug  优惠价格请
For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Humans.

_WNT-5a,Mouse 5µg 生长分化因子


wnt信号转导通路因其启动蛋白为Wnt蛋白而得名,在胚胎发育、细胞增殖及分化等方面发挥重要作用,其异常活化与人类多种肿瘤的发生密切相关。研究显 示,Wnt信号至少存在经典和非经典两条不同的信号通路,而Wnt-5a属于非经典Wnt信号通路,既往研究Ror2具有Wnt受体结构域样结构。有研究 认为Wnt-5a经由Ror2介导的 信号通路发挥作用。
Mouse WNT-5a蛋白含有356个氨基酸残基。

WNT-5a,Mouse 产品特性:
» WNT-5a,Mouse活性在共转Frizzled- 4 和 LRP- 5基因的HEK293 细胞TCF报告鉴定,纯度高
» 生物活性在共转Frizzled- 4 和 LRP- 5基因的HEK293 细胞鉴定
» WNT-5a,Mouse产品经过SDS-PAGE 和HPLC双层鉴定纯度大于85%

WNT-5a belongs to the class of WNT proteins that activate the “noncanonical” pathway. The predicted size of mouse WNT-5a is a monomeric protein containing 356 amino acid residues. Due to glycosylation, it migrates at an apparent molecular weight of ~45 kDa by SDS-PAGE analysis under non-reducing conditions. StemRD’s product is expressed from a mouse cell line, and purified with a proprietary process that is distinct from the published method.

Purity: Greater than 85% as determined by SDS-PAGE and HPLC analysis
Biological Activity: The activity was determined by using a TCF reporter gene assay in 293 cells co-transfected with Frizzled-4 and LRP-5. WNT-5a activates (instead of inhibits) the TCF reporter gene in this assay (Milkels AJ, et al., PLoS Biol, 4:e115, 2006). This activation mode is utilized because activation assays are generally more reliable than inhibition assays, as they are less prone to any non-specific inhibitory contamination in the preparation.

StemRD W3A-M-100 小鼠WNT-3a 蛋白干细胞生长分化因子系列产品订购信息
StemRD W3A-M-005  WNT-3a,Mouse  5ug  优惠价格请
StemRD W3A-M-025  WNT-3a,Mouse  25ug  优惠价格请
StemRD W3A-M-100  WNT-3a,Mouse  100ug  优惠价格请
StemRD W5A-M-005  WNT-5a,Mouse  5ug  优惠价格请
StemRD W5A-M-025  WNT-5a,Mouse  25ug  优惠价格请
StemRD W3A-M-100  WNT-5a,Mouse  100ug  优惠价格请
For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Humans.

WNT-3a,Mouse 产品介绍: WNT-3a,Mouse 100µg 生长分化因子


WNT-3a,Mouse 产品介绍:
wnt通路是细胞增殖分化的关键调控环节, 在胚胎发育和肿瘤发生中起着重要作用。wnt途径参与了基因表达调节、 细胞迁移粘附、细胞极化等过程,同时还与其它信号通路存在交叉协同。Wnt/β-catenin通路在进化过程中高度保守,此通路的主要分子构成及相关调 控机制已得到基本阐明。对神经系统而言已有足够证据显示此通路参与了对神经前体细胞增殖, 分化以及决定细胞命运的调控。
Wnt-3a是Wnt基因家族中重要成员,zui近的一些研究发现, Wnt-3a信号蛋白对神经干细胞的定向分化的调控作用表现的十分明显。小鼠WNT-3a蛋白包含328个氨基酸。

WNT-3a,Mouse 产品介绍: WNT-3a,Mouse 25µg 生长分化因子


WNT-3a,Mouse 产品介绍:
wnt通路是细胞增殖分化的关键调控环节, 在胚胎发育和肿瘤发生中起着重要作用。wnt途径参与了基因表达调节、 细胞迁移粘附、细胞极化等过程,同时还与其它信号通路存在交叉协同。Wnt/β-catenin通路在进化过程中高度保守,此通路的主要分子构成及相关调 控机制已得到基本阐明。对神经系统而言已有足够证据显示此通路参与了对神经前体细胞增殖, 分化以及决定细胞命运的调控。
Wnt-3a是Wnt基因家族中重要成员,zui近的一些研究发现, Wnt-3a信号蛋白对神经干细胞的定向分化的调控作用表现的十分明显。小鼠WNT-3a蛋白包含328个氨基酸。


» WNT-3a,Mouse活性经过NIH 3T3 细胞鉴定,纯度高
» 生物活性在NIH 3T3 细胞经过TCF报告基因实验鉴定The EC50为 50–150 ng/ml
» WNT-3a,Mouse产品经过SDS-PAGE 和HPLC双层鉴定纯度大于90%
» 只限于研究,非人体使用


WNT-3a,Mouse 产品英文简述:
WNT-3a is a member of the WNT family of signaling proteins that play a key role in embryonic development and the integrity of adult tissues. WNT-3a is a prototypic canonical WNT that signals through the β-catenin pathway. The predicted size of mouse WNT-3a is a monomeric protein containing 333 amino acid residues. Due to glycosylation, it migrates at an apparent molecular weight of 40 kDa by SDS-PAGE analysis under nonreducing conditions. StemRD’s product is expressed from a mouse cell line overexpressing mouse WNT-3a. Purification is performed with a proprietary process that is distinct from the published method.

Purity: Greater than 90% as determined by SDS-PAGE analysis
Biological Activity: The activity was determined by using a TCF reporter gene assay in NIH3T3 cells. The EC50 ranges from 50 – 150 ng/ml. Country of Origin USA


_WNT-3a,Mouse 5µg 生长分化因子


WNT-3a,Mouse 产品介绍:
wnt通路是细胞增殖分化的关键调控环节, 在胚胎发育和肿瘤发生中起着重要作用。wnt途径参与了基因表达调节、 细胞迁移粘附、细胞极化等过程,同时还与其它信号通路存在交叉协同。Wnt/β-catenin通路在进化过程中高度保守,此通路的主要分子构成及相关调 控机制已得到基本阐明。对神经系统而言已有足够证据显示此通路参与了对神经前体细胞增殖, 分化以及决定细胞命运的调控。
Wnt-3a是Wnt基因家族中重要成员,zui近的一些研究发现, Wnt-3a信号蛋白对神经干细胞的定向分化的调控作用表现的十分明显。小鼠WNT-3a蛋白包含328个氨基酸。

» WNT-3a,Mouse活性经过NIH 3T3 细胞鉴定,纯度高
» 生物活性在NIH 3T3 细胞经过TCF报告基因实验鉴定The EC50为 50–150 ng/ml
» WNT-3a,Mouse产品经过SDS-PAGE 和HPLC双层鉴定纯度大于90%
» 只限于研究,非人体使用

WNT-3a,Mouse 产品英文简述:
WNT-3a is a member of the WNT family of signaling proteins that play a key role in embryonic development and the integrity of adult tissues. WNT-3a is a prototypic canonical WNT that signals through the β-catenin pathway. The predicted size of mouse WNT-3a is a monomeric protein containing 333 amino acid residues. Due to glycosylation, it migrates at an apparent molecular weight of 40 kDa by SDS-PAGE analysis under nonreducing conditions. StemRD’s product is expressed from a mouse cell line overexpressing mouse WNT-3a. Purification is performed with a proprietary process that is distinct from the published method.

Purity: Greater than 90% as determined by SDS-PAGE analysis
Biological Activity: The activity was determined by using a TCF reporter gene assay in NIH3T3 cells. The EC50 ranges from 50 – 150 ng/ml. Country of Origin USA

WNT-5a, Human产品介绍: WNT-5a, Human 100µg 生长分化因子

产品英文名称: WNT-5a, Human

WNT-5a, Human产品介绍:
Wnt信号转导通路因其启动蛋白为Wnt蛋白而得名,在胚胎发育、细胞增殖及分化等方面发挥重要 作用,其异常活化与人类多种肿瘤的发生密切相关。研究显示,Wnt信号至少存在经典和非经典两条不同的信号通路,而Wnt-5a属于非经典Wnt信号通 路,既往研究Ror2具有Wnt受体结构域样结构。有研究认为Wnt-5a经由Ror2介导的 信号通路发挥作用。
Human WNT-5a蛋白含有357个氨基酸残基。

WNT-5a, Human 产品特性:
» 活性在共转Frizzled- 4 和 LRP- 5基因的HEK293 细胞鉴定,纯度高,无动物成分污染
» WNT-5a, Human活性在共转Frizzled- 4 和 LRP- 5基因的HEK293 细胞鉴定
» WNT-5a, Human产品经过SDS-PAGE 和HPLC双层鉴定纯度大于85%


WNT-5a, Human产品英文简述:
WNT-5a belongs to the class of WNT proteins that activate the “noncanonical” pathway. The predicted size of human WNT-5a is a monomeric protein containing 357 amino acid residues. Due to glycosylation, it migrates at an apparent molecular weight of ~45 kDa on SDS-PAGE under non-reducing conditions. StemRD’s product is expressed from a human cell line in animal-free medium, and purified with a proprietary process that is distinct from the published method.

Purity: Greater than 85% as determined by SDS-PAGE and HPLC analysis
Biological Activity: The activity was determined by using a TCF reporter gene assay in HEK293 cells co-transfected with Frizzled-4 and LRP-  5. WNT-5a activates (instead of inhibits) the TCF reporter gene in this assay (MilkelsAJ, et al., PLoS Biol, 4:e115, 2006). This activation mode is utilized because activation assays are generally more reliable than inhibition assays, as they are less prone to any non-specific inhibitory contamination in the preparation.

WNT-5a, Human产品介绍: WNT-5a, Human 25µg 生长分化因子

产品英文名称: WNT-5a, Human

WNT-5a, Human产品介绍:
Wnt信号转导通路因其启动蛋白为Wnt蛋白而得名,在胚胎发育、细胞增殖及分化等方面发挥重要 作用,其异常活化与人类多种肿瘤的发生密切相关。研究显示,Wnt信号至少存在经典和非经典两条不同的信号通路,而Wnt-5a属于非经典Wnt信号通 路,既往研究Ror2具有Wnt受体结构域样结构。有研究认为Wnt-5a经由Ror2介导的 信号通路发挥作用。
Human WNT-5a蛋白含有357个氨基酸残基。


WNT-5a, Human 产品特性:
» 活性在共转Frizzled- 4 和 LRP- 5基因的HEK293 细胞鉴定,纯度高,无动物成分污染
» WNT-5a, Human活性在共转Frizzled- 4 和 LRP- 5基因的HEK293 细胞鉴定
» WNT-5a, Human产品经过SDS-PAGE 和HPLC双层鉴定纯度大于85%


WNT-5a, Human产品英文简述:
WNT-5a belongs to the class of WNT proteins that activate the “noncanonical” pathway. The predicted size of human WNT-5a is a monomeric protein containing 357 amino acid residues. Due to glycosylation, it migrates at an apparent molecular weight of ~45 kDa on SDS-PAGE under non-reducing conditions. StemRD’s product is expressed from a human cell line in animal-free medium, and purified with a proprietary process that is distinct from the published method.


? Purity: Greater than 85% as determined by SDS-PAGE and HPLC analysis
? Biological Activity: The activity was determined by using a TCF reporter gene assay in HEK293 cells co-transfected with Frizzled-4 and LRP-  5. WNT-5a activates (instead of inhibits) the TCF reporter gene in this assay (MilkelsAJ, et al., PLoS Biol, 4:e115, 2006). This activation mode is utilized because activation assays are generally more reliable than inhibition assays, as they are less prone to any non-specific inhibitory contamination in the preparation.

WNT-5a, Human产品介绍: WNT-5a, Human 5µg 生长分化因子

产品英文名称: WNT-5a, Human

WNT-5a, Human产品介绍:
Wnt信号转导通路因其启动蛋白为Wnt蛋白而得名,在胚胎发育、细胞增殖及分化等方面发挥重要 作用,其异常活化与人类多种肿瘤的发生密切相关。研究显示,Wnt信号至少存在经典和非经典两条不同的信号通路,而Wnt-5a属于非经典Wnt信号通 路,既往研究Ror2具有Wnt受体结构域样结构。有研究认为Wnt-5a经由Ror2介导的 信号通路发挥作用。
Human WNT-5a蛋白含有357个氨基酸残基。


WNT-5a, Human 产品特性:
» 活性在共转Frizzled- 4 和 LRP- 5基因的HEK293 细胞鉴定,纯度高,无动物成分污染
» WNT-5a, Human活性在共转Frizzled- 4 和 LRP- 5基因的HEK293 细胞鉴定
» WNT-5a, Human产品经过SDS-PAGE 和HPLC双层鉴定纯度大于85%

corning 培养瓶,LONZA 12-725F UltraCULTURE Serum-free Medium无血清培养基

corning 血清移液管,Technology #087-0112DK 无血清细胞培养基(细胞治疗级)

corning 冻存管 ,LONZA 04-418Q X-VIVO 15 无血清培养基

Lonza LT07-118/LT07-218/LT07-318/LT07-418/LT07-518 MycoAlert Mycoplasma Detection Kit 广谱支原体检测试剂盒

IWP-2 产品英文简述: IWP-2 O-酰基转移酶*抑制剂 50mg WNT家族

产品英文名称: IWP-2
产品中文名称: IWP-2


IWP-2 产品英文简述:
IWP-2:N-(6-Methyl-2-benzothiazolyl)-2-[(3,4,6,7-tetrahydro-4-oxo-3-phenylthieno[3,2-d]pyrimidin-2-yl)thio]-acetamide, is a specific inhibitor of the O-acyltransferase Porcupine with IC50=27nM (Ref.). Inhibition blocks the production of Wnt proteins that require fatty acid modifications, thus disrupting Wnt-dependent signaling. Porcupine inhibitor represent a novel class of potential therapeutics for cancer and other WNT dependent diseases.


Ref: B. Chen, et al. Small molecule-mediated disruption of Wnt-dependent signaling in tissue regeneration and cancer. Nat. Chem. Biol. 5, 100 (2009)

Purity: Greater than 99.5% as determined by LC/MS analysis. LC/MS and/or NMR data available upon request.
Biological Activity: In a cell-based assay measuring the activation of the TCF reporter gene, this compound gives IC50 of 30 nM.

IWP-2 产品英文简述: IWP-2 O-酰基转移酶*抑制剂 10mg WNT家族

产品英文名称: IWP-2
产品中文名称: IWP-2


IWP-2 产品英文简述:
IWP-2:N-(6-Methyl-2-benzothiazolyl)-2-[(3,4,6,7-tetrahydro-4-oxo-3-phenylthieno[3,2-d]pyrimidin-2-yl)thio]-acetamide, is a specific inhibitor of the O-acyltransferase Porcupine with IC50=27nM (Ref.). Inhibition blocks the production of Wnt proteins that require fatty acid modifications, thus disrupting Wnt-dependent signaling. Porcupine inhibitor represent a novel class of potential therapeutics for cancer and other WNT dependent diseases.


Ref: B. Chen, et al. Small molecule-mediated disruption of Wnt-dependent signaling in tissue regeneration and cancer. Nat. Chem. Biol. 5, 100 (2009)

Purity: Greater than 99.5% as determined by LC/MS analysis. LC/MS and/or NMR data available upon request.
Biological Activity: In a cell-based assay measuring the activation of the TCF reporter gene, this compound gives IC50 of 30 nM.


_IWP-2 O-酰基转移酶*抑制剂 2mg WNT家族

产品英文名称: IWP-2
产品中文名称: IWP-2


IWP-2 产品英文简述:
IWP-2:N-(6-Methyl-2-benzothiazolyl)-2-[(3,4,6,7-tetrahydro-4-oxo-3-phenylthieno[3,2-d]pyrimidin-2-yl)thio]-acetamide, is a specific inhibitor of the O-acyltransferase Porcupine with IC50=27nM (Ref.). Inhibition blocks the production of Wnt proteins that require fatty acid modifications, thus disrupting Wnt-dependent signaling. Porcupine inhibitor represent a novel class of potential therapeutics for cancer and other WNT dependent diseases.


Ref: B. Chen, et al. Small molecule-mediated disruption of Wnt-dependent signaling in tissue regeneration and cancer. Nat. Chem. Biol. 5, 100 (2009)

Purity: Greater than 99.5% as determined by LC/MS analysis. LC/MS and/or NMR data available upon request.
Biological Activity: In a cell-based assay measuring the activation of the TCF reporter gene, this compound gives IC50 of 30 nM.